An Edge on Your Career

Wouldn’t it be cool if it “just so happened” that hiring managers were your own close personal acquaintances? Acquaintances like that could be your shortcut to great mentoring, industry insight, interviews, and maybe even your first professional job. Well, hiring managers can be close personal acquaintances.  But as with any personal relationship, they can’t be […]

Are you in college to collect high grades or to learn?  A “C” is worth considerably more than an “A” if you learned while earning that “C.”
Mark Levit

Your Major Doesn’t Matter

Don’t panic! Your major doesn’t have much impact on your career. What matters is you’ve worked to earn your degree. Fact is, your future isn’t dependent on the nature of, or institution from which you received, your degree.  If you have a good reason to go to grad school, that’s a different story and you can skip […]

Following each interview, write the killer question you answered poorly on a special page in your digital device. Later, when the right answer occurs to you, write it down, too. Over time, you’ll compile a library of the best answers to tough interview questions.

College Degrees: Guarantees of Greatness?

Have you always believed a college degree was a guarantee of a great job and great career? It used to be.  Now?  Not so much.  Here’s what happened… After World War II, the GI Bill paid millions of Vets’ college tuitions. In fact, vets accounted for around half of all college enrollments after the war. Vets […]