So, You’ve Already Selected a Career, Huh?

And it doesn't require a college education?

Periodically, students tell me, “Mark, I already know what I want to do for my career. I’m bored in college. All the English, history, math, and art appreciation courses aren’t of interest to me. I’d rather go to a school that teaches only what I want to learn.” I get it probably better than most. […]

The 1,000-year-old Model

Universities operate on a 1,000-year-old organizational model wherein academic rigor is the goal.  Academic rigor is among the primary qualities accreditation organizations seek when granting credentials to a university. The reason many people associate higher education with career success is attributed to the period after World War II. Servicemen, upon returning from battle, received free college educations as gratitude […]

Getting Paid for Your Internships

Not long before I sold my agency and moved south, I paid a visit to the office of a Wall Street client. It was always fun meeting with him because he told fantastic personal stories—sometimes they were funny, sometimes jolting. They weren’t jolting like the “party stories” college students are famous for, but jolting in terms […]

An Edge on Your Career

Wouldn’t it be cool if it “just so happened” that hiring managers were your own close personal acquaintances? Acquaintances like that could be your shortcut to great mentoring, industry insight, interviews, and maybe even your first professional job. Well, hiring managers can be close personal acquaintances.  But as with any personal relationship, they can’t be […]